Thursday, 8 March 2012

Advert Analysis

What techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to consume the Guardian?

The ad uses various techniques to persuade the audience to consume the Guardian.

As first of all we see it being presented as an unbiased newspaper, as we see how in the advert we are shown both sides of the argument e.g. some people supporting the wolf and some who are not. Reflecting it as unbiased, making us want to buy it as we feel we will get the whole outlook on a story rather than just one side.

Furthermore we see it using aspects of technology for example twitter, their website and Facebook. Reflecting how society has become more interactive with the institution and with other (social integrative needs) that gives us news and how news is available 24x7 as it is constantly being updated showing we are always in the know. Also due to twitter and Facebook people can reflect their views on a certain story and how sometimes it can affect other situations e.g. we see a riot happening, which could relate back to recent incidents in the middle east “Arab spring”, which reflects Guardian as current and makes us feel it is a big platform as big things such as riots can happen due the stories they publish. And how the Guardian has a website and is available on all these different devices shows the sense of convergence and how the news is available to us anywhere at any time.   

Moreover we see that audiences can identify with the people in the advertisements, as we see a variety of people in this advert e.g. ethnicities classes etc. as how we see tweets in different languages and people in different locations. As this can help people from different ethnicities and classes to identify with the characters as they are portrayed as normal people E.g. their clothes, locations etc. Making us want to consume guardian even more due to “connection” we feel we have with the audience and maybe a more younger audience might relate to this due to the “high” use of technology in the advert and also how they are represented are “Positively” as young people have a voice and want to fight for what they believe in, making us want to consume the guardian even more. But arguably we can say an older audience might relate to this as well due to the guardian being quite an established brand and also due to now society having “silver surfers” and older people know how to access the internet etc. Also we see slight use Todroff’s Narrative theory as at the beginning there is an equilibrium but then the police busting in the pigs house shows the disruption, However at the end we don’t have a full equilibrium as we are left on the last shot which shows “riots are sparked”. 

How is the news represented in the ad?

In the advertisement we see the news represented in a positive way.

As first of all we see it being presented as an unbiased newspaper, as we see how in the advert we are shown both sides of the argument e.g. some people supporting the wolf and some who are not. Reflecting it as unbiased, making us want to buy it as we feel we will get the whole outlook on a story rather than just one side. As also they say “the whole picture”, furthermore to go with that aspect they didn’t use a certain voice overs to reflect they are not anchoring the picture as they don’t do that in their news.

Also the guardian show themselves as current, as at the end they say “web, print, tablet mobile”. Reflecting how “convergence” is a current thing as how people want to access news on different frames and also how the internet is a “globalised” thing and so being anywhere you can access the guardian e.g. different people in different locations are saying their views. And recent events such as Arab spring. Also they show how the people who are typing their view are doing the voice over showing a sense that the guardian gives a chance for us to have a voice and lets us speak our views on the topics, making us feel more connected to the institution as before institution would just “feed” us the information, making us accept everything without questions (hypodermic syringe). But now the internet allows us to question the news, as we see in the advert the guardian is allowing us to do that. As they are also reflecting us as “Important” as in the advert we see how everyone’s comments start out a riot, showing that how our views are important.

However we can also say that the news is slightly represented as badly. As first of all, we see all the people in the advert using an “apple “product e.g. Mac, iPad, iPhone etc., where these products are usually owned by a the socio economic demographic “a-B” as these products are expensive, which in the upper class audiences while watching this will be able to identify with this (personal integrative needs). Which reflects the guardian are giving out capitalist ideologies showing how the views of the upper class are important and how they are the non-violent ones as they are sitting at home using their laptops whereas the working class in the deprived areas are the more violent ones doing riots etc., reinforcing stereotypes. However arguably a preferred view of the advert might talk how they are actually being positive as a more younger audience might relate to this due to the “high” use of technology in the advert and also how they are represented are “Positively” as young people have a voice and want to fight for what they believe in.

What issues of new technology does this ad raise and what does it tell us about the values of The Guardian?

The types of issues that are bought up are how technology has a big impact on everyone’s lives and how it has been the cause of many violent events but also revolutions e.g. Arab spring”. As in the ad we see how riots are bought in due to the conversations online reflecting current events and important events. This tells about the guardian that it is relevant and current news service that it gives us the important and most current news before others.

Also it shows us how people are technology friendly, and how technology has converged and become globalised. As at the end we see “Web, print, tablet, mobile”. Reflecting how the guardian is available in 4 different platforms (cross media) realising how e-media is the dominant platform at the moment as people are more accessible to it 24x7 and not having to pay to get news. Also they realise how everyone have a view on the issue e.g. tweets in different languages “globalisation” showing guardian values as equal opportunities for everyone to say their view. As also not only young people are technology friendly now older people are tech literate as well “silver surfers” showing that guardian is realising the change in people accessing news and how they consume it as well, as the guardian have a twitter page as well giving a chance for people to say their view on a certain issue and also people discussing the issue on twitter (Social integrative needs). As showing the guardian values on change is positive as they are changing to according to how society is changing.

Lastly we can also say that actually guardian support capitalist values as we see them showing things such as iPad’s, iPhones etc. showing the high end products in technology where mostly upper-middle class (socio economic ABC) people can afford, reinforcing the Bourgeoisie values and also attracting the “Aspirers” who aspire to be in the higher end of the social class, reflecting that being middle class is good.

 On the basis of this ad, who does the Guardian brand appeal to?

The guardian brand can appeal to large audience.

As when it comes to gender we can say the guardian brand is not being biased towards a gender or neither is it being sexist. However in the advert we do see some stereotypes as we see the women sitting at home just typing about what they thing whereas we see the men going out and rioting about what they thing, reinforcing stereotypes such as women are more timid but use their words to make a point where as men use their “masculinity” and the physical aspect to get the message across.

However we can say that the guardian brand might appeal to a upper class .As first of all, we see all the people in the advert using an “apple “product e.g. Mac, iPad, iPhone etc., where these products are usually owned by a the socio economic demographic “a-B” as these products are expensive, which in the upper class audiences while watching this will be able to identify with this (personal integrative needs). Which reflects the guardian are giving out capitalist ideologies showing how the views of the upper class are important and how they are the non-violent ones as they are sitting at home using their laptops whereas the working class in the deprived areas are the more violent ones doing riots etc., reinforcing stereotypes. As the upper middle class are more fighting with words and the working class are more violent. Also we see the 3 pigs living in small house reflecting a sense of working class living standards, as showing people who come from a working class background have the tendency to commit crime, reflecting a “moral panic”.

Furthermore when it comes to age. Also they realise how everyone have a view on the issue e.g. tweets in different languages “globalisation” showing guardian values as equal opportunities for everyone to say their view. As also not only young people are technology friendly now older people are tech literate as well “silver surfers” showing that guardian is realising the change in people accessing news and how they consume it as well, as the guardian have a twitter page as well giving a chance for people to say their view on a certain issue and also people discussing the issue on twitter (Social integrative needs. As showing the guardian. Also older people will be aware of the guardian due to its print version triggering a sense of identification. Furthermore just “parodying” the 3 little pigs story helps people understand the advert more as people will get a nostalgic feeling as everyone has heard the story before.

Also people who come under the psychographics of innovators will be able to relate to this advert. As in the advert we see the people having a view and fighting for it where innovators are risk takers and have targets they want to achieve such as in the advertisement of fighting for what’s right.  

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