1) various techniques used to establish genre.
They use fast editing to show the headlines, and we hear short quotes from people on the news which summaries the stories which informs the audience however it also makes audiences want to stay and watch more. They also use the idea of "news worthy" as they do short but punchy headlines again making the audience want to hear more. Another technique they use is voice over as the presenter at the beginning is doing the voice over for the headlines, which shows the sense of a reliable narrator as we know who is doing the voice over. Also the use non-diegetic music, as they use the same theme song every time which makes audiences recognize the brand. The use of the "shaky" camera on certain stories gives a sense of realism to the news, reflecting the news story being raw and new. For the mise-en-scene the clothing of the presenter is sophist-acted and classy giving the sense of BBC being serious and showing the sense of BBC being classy as its been around for a long time.
Furthermore they use a lot of mid shots, to give the sense of a natural idea. To show the sense BBC is PSB, and is there to inform, educate and entertain.
2) in the extract young people are subtly being represented in a bad way. As the first headline, meaning the most important headline is about contraception pills should be sold to girls young as 13. Showing a sense of the hypodermic needle as parents will just inject this information about their kids and other youth. Furthermore it shows a sense of gate keeping as BBC is erasing other aspects of the youth and is prioritising the negative about the youth. Where also they mention England got the most amount of of teenage pregnancy, which represents youth in a bad way as they are talking about the negative aspects of the youth but not the positive. Also we see the relationship between parent and child being represented positively such as the idea of the mother talking showing her daughter things about pregnancy reflects the ideologies of familial. We see how BBC is interviewing people from different ethnic races reflecting the sense of a diverse society and connecting to a larger audience.
Also we see how stereotypical the news is reported, as we see the man being in the pharmacy "working" talking about negative aspects of selling contraception to young girls. And then we see the women being the person looking after the kids etc. Reflecting typical parental roles.
3) The text is typical of BBC output.
Also the use non-diegetic music, as they use the same theme song every time which makes audiences recognize the brand. Also the way of presenting the headlines as they show the first one as most important and then the rest. Also they use of voice over as the presenter we first see reads us the headlines showing that sense of "reliable narrator". Furthermore the use of the same old use of colours E.g the red and white where the red stands out reflecting BBC standing out and being different from the other news channels. Also the use of mid shots reflecting this natural idea to the whole news channel.
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